Welcome to our Agriculture Department! Our dedicated advisers are Mrs. Spaulding, Ms. Bennett, Mrs. Hampton, and Mr. Corbett. They guide and inspire the future leaders of agriculture related industries.
FFA is an intra-curricular organization based on the FFA's Agricultural Education Model, which encompasses the Classroom/Laboratory, Supervised Agricultural Experience, and FFA. This organization aims to develop students' unique talents and encourages them to explore a wide range of career pathways. Students are engaged in "hands-on" learning and learn public speaking and leadership skills that will allow them to be successful in whatever career pathway they enter.
The agriculture industry encompasses much more than planting and harvesting. It involves business, arts, and sciences, including Animal and Plant Sciences, Agricultural Business, Ornamental Horticulture, Floriculture, Floral Design and Agricultural Mechanics. Students will also be engaged in fun activities such as FFA meetings, Career Development and Leadership Development Events, and learn about project based learning through their Supervised Agricultural Experience projects.
If you're interested in FFA and Agricultural Education, we invite you to visit the Ag Department Office and speak with one of our four Agriculture Advisers: Mrs. Spaulding, Ms. Bennett, Mrs. Hampton, or Mr. Corbett. Check out our website here
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Facebook - Monache FFA Chapter